Non Weapon Proficiencies
Here's my master chart, but I just found this one that has more! -Jim
Proficiency Type Slots Ability Roll Modifier Source
Acting U 1 Cha -1 BH
Agriculture U 1 Int 0 OA1/2ED
Alchemy A 3 Int -3 D169
Alertness U 1 N/A N/A WSG
Ambidexterity U 1 N/A N/A 2ED
Ancient History U 1 Int -1 2ED
Animal Handling W 1 Wis +1 WSG
Animal Imitation U 1 Wis -1 DSG
Animal Lore W 1 Int 0 WSG
Animal Trainer U 1 Wis 0 DSG
Appraising U 1 Int 0 2ED
Armorer Cr 2 Int -2 DSG
Artistic Ability U 1 Wis 0 2ED
Astrology U 2 Int -1 2ED
Astronomy A 2 Int -1 D169
Battle Surgeon U 3 Wis -2
Begging U 1 Cha Spec ThHB
Blacksmith Cr 1 Str 0 DSG
Blind-Fighting U 1 N/A N/A WSG
Boating U 1 Wis -1 WSG
Boatwright Cr 1 Int -2 DSG
Botany U 1 Int -1 D169
Bowyer/Fletcher Cr 1 Dex -1 DSG
Brewer U 1 Int 0 OA1/2ED
Bureaucracy U 1 Int 0 PalHB
Calligraphy Co 1 Dex -1 OA1/ D169
Carpenter Cr 1 Str 0 DSG
Cartography A 1 Wis 0 D169
Charioteering U 1 Dex -2 WSG
Cheesemaking U 1 Int 0 CBHu
Civil Engineer A 2 Int -3 OA1/2ED
Close Quarter Fighting U 1 Dex 0 CBHu
Cobbling Cr 1 Dex 0 2ED
Cooking U 1 Int 0 OA1/2ED
Craft Instrument A 2 Dex -2 BH
Crowd Working U 1 Cha +2 BH
Direction Sense U 1 Wis -1 WSG
Disguise U 1 Cha -1 2ED
Drinking U 1 Con 0 CBHu
Eating U 1 Con 0 CBHu
Endurance U 2 N/A N/A WSG
Etiquette Co 1 Cha 0 OA1/2ED
Falconry U 1 Wis 0 OA1
Fast-Talking U 1 Cha Spec ThHB
Fire-Building U 1 Wis +1 WSG
First Aid U 1 Wis -2
Fishing U 1 Wis +1 WSG
Flower Arranging Co 1 Wis 0 OA1
Foraging W 1 Int +2 WSG
Forgery U 1 Dex -1 2ED
Fortune Telling U 1 Cha +2 ThHB
Fungus Identification D 1 Int +6 DSG
Gaming U 1 Cha 0 OA1/2ED
Gemcutter Cr 2 Dex -2 DSG
Geology U 2 Int -1 D169
Healing U 2 Wis -2 WSG
Information Gathering U 1 Int Spec ThHB
Intimidation U 1 Str or Cha Spec ThHB
Jeweler A 2 Dex 0 OA1
Jousting U 1 Dex +2 PalHB
Juggling U 1 Dex -1 OA1/2ED
Jumping U 1 Str 0 2ED
Landscape Gardening A 1 Wis 0 OA1
Languages, Ancient U 1 Int 0 2ED
Language, Modern U 1 Int 0 2ED
Law U 1 Wis 0 PalHB
Leatherworker Cr 1 Int 0 DSG
Local History U 1 Int 0 2ED
Locksmithing Cr 1 Dex 0 ThHB
Looting U 1 Per 0 ThHB
Masseur A 1 Str OA1
Miner Cr 2 Wis -2 DSG
Mountaineering W 1 Dex 0 WSG
Music U 1 Int -3 OA1
Musical Instrument U 1 Dex -1 2ED
Navigator A 1 Int -2 OA1
Observation U 1 Perception 0 ThHB
Oratory U 1 Cha 0 PalHB
Orienteering U 1 Wis 0 D169
Painting A 1 Dex +3 OA1
Papermaker A 1 Int 0 OA1
Plant Lore W 1 Int 0 WSG
Poetry A 1 Int +1 OA1
Potter Cr 1 Dex -2 DSG
Poison Making A 1 Int -3 Jim
Potion Making A 1 Int -3 Jim
Quick-Draw U 1 N/A N/A OA1
Read/Write U 1 Int -1
Reading Lips U 2 Int -2 2ED
Religion U 1 Wis 0 OA1
Riding, Airborne U 2 Wis +2 WSG
Riding, Land U 1 Wis -3 WSG
Rope Use U 1 Dex 0 WSG
Running U 2 Con 0 WSG
Sailing Craft U 1 OA1
Seamanship U 1 Dex +1 2ED
Seamstress/Tailor A 1 Dex OA1
Signaling U 1 OA1
Silk Maker A 1 OA1
Singing U 1 Cha 0 2ED
Slow Respiration D 1 N/A N/A DSG
Smelter Cr 1 Int -2 DSG
Snare Building U 1 Dex -1 OA1/2ED
Sound Analysis U 1 Wis DSG
Spellcraft U 1 Int -2
Street Sense U 1 Cha 0 WSG
Survival, Heat W 1 Wis 0 WSG
Swimming U 1 Str 0 WSG
Tightrope U 1 Dex 0 2ED
Tracking W 1 Per Special WSG
Trailing U 1 Perc 0 ThHB
Tumbling U 1 Dex 0 2ED
Ventriloquism U 1 Int -2 2ED
Voice Mimicry U 2 Cha Spec ThHB
Weaponsmith Cr 3 Int -3 DSG
Weather Sense W 1 Wis +1 WSG
Weaver Cr 1 Int -1 DSG
Whistling/Humming U 1 Dex +2 BH
Wild Fighting U 2 Con 0 CBHu
Winemaking U 1 Int 0 CBHu
Code Type Code Source
A Artisan 2ED 2nd Ed.
Co Court D169 Dragon Magazine #169
Cr Craftsman DSG Dungeoneer’s Survival Guide
D Dungeoneering CBHu Complete Book of Humanoids
U Universal OA1 Oriental Adventures, 1st Ed.
W Wilderness PalHB Paladin’s Handbook
ThHB Thief’s Handbook
WSG Wilderness Survival Guide
BH Bard’s Handbook