Imperial Fleet Organization

The Imperial Fleet organization starts at the bottom with Lines and Squadrons. Depending on its mission, a squadron is composed of different numbers and types of lines. A line can range from a single Imperial class Star Destroyer down to 20 light cruisers or corvettes. These numbers do not include TIE squadrons or shuttles carried aboard the ships. (GM's note- This is copied from the Imperial Sourcebook)

Types of Squadrons
Battle Squadron, 18 ships
1 Imperial Star Destroyer
2 Attack Lines
1 Recon Line

Heavy Squadron (Attack), 28-36 ships
3 Heavy+ Lines
1 Skirmish Line

Heavy Squadron (Recon), 18-24 ships
2 Heavy Lines
1 Attack Line
1 Recon Line

Light Squadron (Attack), 20-30 ships
2 Attack Lines
1 Skirmish Line
1 Recon Line

Light Squadron (Recon), 25-35 ships
2 Recon Lines
1 Skirmish Line
1 Pursuit Line

Troop Squadron, 25-30 ships
2 Troop Lines
1 Attack Line
1 Skirmish Line

Types of Lines
Attack- 3 to 6 cruisers, more if Light, less if larger
Heavy- 4 to 8 ships, nothing smaller than a Light Cruiser
Heavy+*- 4 to 8 ships, but possibly including a Victory class Star Destroyer
Pursuit- 4 to 10 Light Cruisers and Corvettes
Recon- 2 to 4 fast Corvettes and Light Cruisers
Skirmish- 4 to 20 ships; Corvettes, Frigates and smaller
Troop- 2 large troop transports and 2 Strike class cruisers

*(GM's note: Heavy+ is my designation for a line including a Victory class SD)