Bandit Rescue

Brittany is learning to DM, so I put together a little skirmish so she could run a combat.

Players and Characters

Dungeon Master- Brittany
Jack- Human Barbarian
Jim 1- Elf Wizard
Jim 2- Human War Cleric
Katya- Human Drunken Master Monk


The barbarian and monk are looking for friends who disappeared in a bandit area. They find a hideout in old dungeons and sneak in and kill two bandits who were arguing and didn't hear them approach. In a room near by, they find their friends, a wizard and cleric, and release them and get their belongings from the bandits' loot. The party moves deeper into the complex and discover a pit trap and they jump over it. The next room is a bunk room with four more bandits and they attack. They kill three, but one flees into the next room. The party pursues and comes to an evil temple, the escaped bandit has warned their boss, a cultist priest. During the melee, the cultist throws spells at the party but misses all of them. The wizard accidentally hits the cleric in the back with a Firebolt spell (Oops- nat 1!). But they defeat the cultist priest, loot and destroy the mini temple and escape.

Silly Quotes and Smart Remarks

The first fight is between the Barbarian and Monk versus two bandits
Brittany "Barbarian and Monk; sounds like a TV show"

Jack is trying to figure out how to activate the trap to set it off
Jim "You activate the trap, I'll be back here ready to heal you"

Jim's cleric heals Jack's barbarian back to full
Brittany "We'll have to fix that"
Jim "Spoken like a true DM"

Brittany was constantly apologizing and saying "sorry" for being slow and also all the rooms had wall sconces for lighting
Brittany "When I apologize, I'm really saying sconce"

Jack realized Jim was using the dice he favors when he DMs
Jack "You're using your DM dice; that's cheating"
Jim "But I'm using them for you, not against you"
Jack "That's right, objection withdrawn"

The carboard mini of the cultist had green spell flame on one hand, but Katya thought it looked more like a cartoon of something smelly
Katya "There's something wrong with his hand"
Brittany "He hasn't washed it"